Sales Performance Training and Consulting

In times like these, sellers win by differentiating themselves and serving as trusted consultants to their clients and prospects.

Sales is harder than it’s ever been. Is it any wonder that win rates are at an all-time low? Getting the attention of potential buyers requires drowning out the dozens of other vendors trying to get purchaser mindshare. Even if organizations can create a healthy pipeline of opportunities, the challenges don’t end! When a seller actually does get time with a prospect, Buyers face tighter budgets, more uncertainty, and increased scrutiny that requires getting more stakeholders on board to complete a purchase.

In times like these, the most successful commercial professionals are able to differentiate themselves and win by serving as trusted consultants to their clients and prospects. Help your team win with sales performance training and consulting services.

We can support sales organizations that use a variety of methodologies and processes and are expert-level Challenger Sale trainers.

Sales Performance Training and Consulting Services

Building Commercial Insights

Helping clients and prospects navigate risks and alternatives is a top driver of buyer loyalty and quality of sale. Sellers win the right to continue the conversation by reframing customer assumptions and maintaining momentum by focusing on risk aversion, not opportunity gain. We help organizations craft commercial insights that teach customers something new about their business, clarify what’s at stake, and lead back to our partners’ unique differentiators.

Profiling Buyers

Buyers today receive dozens if not hundreds of generic messages every week from vendors trying to sell their products. In the battle for mindshare, mass emails that don’t target the specific needs of buyers will not succeed. We help organizations identify their target buyers and build strategies to tailor compelling messages that speak to their specific needs.

Maintaining Momentum

Executives report that sales cycles are stretching ever longer. Given that the number of individuals in the average buying group has more than doubled in the last decade, it’s no wonder that sellers often lose momentum or get surprised by interruptions in their selling process. We help sales teams take control of the sales process to prepare for and drive the buying cycle.

Driving Action

Respectfully pushing back on buyers and urging behavior change are among the hardest skills for commercial professionals. Yet, creating the right amount of constructive tension is crucial to getting a sale over the finish line. We help leaders grow their teams’ commercial acumen and ability to effectively introduce pressure when needed to close deals.

Finding the Right Champion

The perfect buyer has budget control, is motivated to act, is a champion for your product, and knows how to win over the rest of the buying group needed to get sign off for a deal. Unfortunately, buyers that fit this profile are few and far between. We help sales teams identify the right mobilizers for their opportunities so that they don’t waste time with talkers, avoid blockers, and get to signature.

Sales Performance Training & Consulting

Example Sales Performance Consulting Partnership

Building a Commercial Insight and Training Reps to Use It

Client industry: Manufacturing/Retail

Size: $300M revenue, 1500 employees

Challenge: A new product launch had failed to meet sales targets by a wide margin; significant investment in the new product line meant that failure was not an option, necessitating a revamp of the go-to-market approach.

Root Need Uncovered: While prospective customers agreed that the product was the best on the market, high costs and embedded competition made it hard to pull new customers. It was decided that sellers would take on elements of Challenger methodology to reframe prospects and increase market share.

Prescribed Services:

  • Interviews with prospective and existing customers (5 each) to uncover underestimated or ignored organizational challenges and the new product line’s true differentiators.
  • Commercial Insight training sessions for Go-To-Market leaders–including revenue, sales enablement, marketing, and product leaders.
  • A draft commercial insight, followed by a facilitated workshop to polish and productize the final go-to-market insight.

Training sessions for 50 sales managers and tenured frontline sales reps on best practices for effective use of Challenger principles “Teaching” and “Taking Control.”