Leadership and Management Development Training

Helping Managers Lead and Develop Their People

Depending on the day, managers need to be expert practitioners, coaches, mentors, disciplinarians, or politicians.

Most executives agree that frontline managers are among their most important levers to achieve talent and business outcomes. Because of this, building effective managers has been a focus of L&D professionals for decades. Still, the code for effective management training and development hasn’t yet been cracked.

At the heart of this issue is the reality that managers are asked to perform so many roles. Depending on the day, managers need to be expert practitioners, coaches, mentors, disciplinarians, or politicians. Given the complexity of this job, it’s no wonder that a 2023 Gallup poll reported that fewer than 20% of individuals are naturally gifted with the skills needed to succeed as a manager.

Depth Charge partners with executives to train and coach their people leaders in the core competencies most vital to successfully leading diverse teams in today’s environment. We work with organizations to create a bespoke curriculum drawing on numerous areas of focus.

Leadership and Management Development Training Services

Connecting to and Engaging Team Members

Lack of development and career opportunities are among the top reasons cited by high performers who leave their organizations. Managers are key drivers for their reports’ development, but a good growth plan can’t be created without mutual trust, transparency, and understanding. We help people leaders adapt their communication and engagement with diverse team members, and build development plans that optimize retention and productivity.

Navigating Stakeholders

Effective managers need to not only lead their teams, they need to align their teams’ work to the organizational mission and advocate for the resources necessary to succeed. We train people leaders to successfully manage cross-functional and cross-silo relationships, communicate effectively up and down their chain of command, and adapt their plans to deliver the greatest possible impact to critical business outcomes.

Growing Resilience and Adaptability

Uncertainty and change are more present than ever and are not likely to go away any time soon. Disruption is stressful enough for individuals; managers need to not only manage their own emotions and stressors, they also need to help their teams stay engaged and motivated during change! We train people leaders to increase their self-awareness and emotional regulation, build habits that support resilience, and adapt their plans to account for uncertainty.

Management Training And Development Case Study tall

Management Training And Development Case Study

Building managers’ resilience to lead through change

Client industry: Technology (SaaS)

Size: $400M revenue, 1200 employees

Challenge: Economic headwinds and market shifts led to a significant downshift in company financial performance, employee burnout, and turnover.

Root Need Uncovered: Organizational challenges were most acutely felt among teams of managers with relatively low leadership experience and difficulty navigating the pace of change.

Management Development Training Performed:

  • Analysis of challenges and opportunities among employee groups disproportionately impacted by change.
  • Research on drivers of employee engagement, including evaluation of Total Rewards (compensation and benefits) program efficacy
  • Prioritization and planning workshop with Leadership and Development team to build strategy addressing key talent opportunity
  • 2-day Seminar on “Motivating and Leading through Change” for 35 managers