About Depth Charge Consulting

About Ben

Ben’s approach to consulting was cultivated through his years at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), CEB, and Gartner. Through these experiences, Ben has supported hundreds of executives around the C-Suite and won awards for the quality of his analysis and the execution of his craft while empowering leaders to achieve their goals, whether double-digit growth, improved employee experiences, or successful transformation.

Ben’s skills as a facilitator have been honed through over 6,000 hours of live presentations. Ben’s style takes advantage of his diverse background–including his stints as a White House Briefer and Improv Comedy Instructor–and has earned him consistent participant satisfaction ratings over 95%. Ben served as an adjunct professor of Business Communication at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, where he received the highest teacher ratings in his department.

Mission Statement

depth charge Logo

We empower corporate leaders to grow and adapt their businesses as easily, cheaply, and risk-free as possible. 

Our Approach

Many consulting firms prescribe solutions that fit their expertise and proprietary framework with an eye toward securing their next contract. At Depth Charge, we focus on understanding your unique situation to tailor an approach that will help you and your organization truly succeed as soon as possible.

We know that what executives really care about isn’t what one smart person or even a team of smart people think; rather, it’s what other leaders are already doing to drive their business forward. With this mentality, we approach our clients with humility and curiosity, seeking to apply best practices that we’ve seen work with other organizations to achieve desired outcomes quickly and efficiently.