Change and Performance Leadership Consulting

The most important factor that determines whether companies succeed during transformation is how they motivate, engage, and organize their people.

The organizations that we work with are almost always facing a moment of inflection in their business. Many are in the process of undergoing a significant business transformation in response to environmental change. Others are transitioning into a different growth state, for example evolving from a high-growth, startup state to a scalable, steady business. Still others are seeking to bounce back from difficult times to regain past momentum.

In the face of these types of changes, many organizations first look to tools and/or processes to help their teams. This is a good start, but it’s not enough.

Change and Performance Leadership Consulting Services

Planning and Prioritization

Prioritization is more important than ever, and one of the most common failure points for change management is teams’ lack of bandwidth to fully adapt to new ways of working. We work with executives to build plans that identify what’s truly important, and what isn’t.

Assessing and Tailoring to Populations

Running effective change management is a lot like running a political campaign: leaders have diverse groups of constituents–across functions, seniority levels, and role types–that all play different parts and require different support for the business to succeed. We help executives capture these groups’ needs and drive them to effectively adapt.

Building Effective Communications

Balancing the right level of transparency with the need to help different groups focus on the right activities can create tension. We help leaders build communication plans that engage and inform without overwhelming.

Measuring to Succeed

What gets measured gets done! Having the right metrics in place to evaluate progress at all stages of change not only helps calibrate the right approach, it also presents useful context to build momentum. We help leaders identify and measure learning and lagging indicators.

Supporting Resilience

Change is stressful, even when it’s done right. We help leaders build the right mindsets and activities that make teams resilient in the face of disruption and flexible to deal with the ambiguity and stressors of transformation.

Change & Performance Leadership Consulting

Change and Performance Consulting Case Study

Building a Pathway to Regain Market Share

Client industry: Technology (SaaS)

Size: $200M revenue, 400 employees

Challenge: An organization that had initially enjoyed rapid growth had seen more than a year of low revenue, leading to widespread cuts and depleted employee engagement and retention.

Root Need Uncovered: The organization’s previous approach of rapid expansion to new clients had slowed due to widespread budget shortages in potential new clients, and reduced product-market fit. A new approach was needed focused on retaining and expanding existing clients while looking for opportunities to scale services to improve margin.

Consulting Services:

  • Interviews with existing clients (10) to understand perceived drivers of value, and to identify product/service features less important to satisfaction.
  • Conversations with customer success team members to understand time-spend and identify: a) value-to-effort analysis of client activities; b) drivers of lost productivity and frustration; c) opportunities for disproportionate impact to time and efficiency.
  • Facilitated discussions of engagement data and employee needs among top 20 senior leaders.
  • Management training and coaching for 10 managers in the parts of the business most impacted by change.