We focus on the areas disproportionately impactful to businesses undergoing change.

More than 90% of organizations are undergoing some kind of significant transformation.*

These conditions are even more pronounced among Depth Charge’s primary clients: executives at mid-sized organizations. To support these leaders, our services focus on four areas that have a disproportionate impact on business growth and performance.

*According to Gartner research. This statistic surprised us–who are the nearly 10% of organizations that aren’t transforming?


Change and Performance Leadership

Many organizations undergoing change management or trying to improve performance focus on introducing tools and processes to help teams communicate and regain productivity. This can be useful, but only supports part of the true challenge of change.

To effectively grow and adapt, leaders need to align personal and team motivations with organizational needs, remove barriers to collaboration, and reduce the amount of noise complicating their talent’s already complex workloads.

Learn more about how we partner with leaders to turn change from something that needs to be “managed” into an opportunity to make their organizations resilient and adaptable.

Sales Performance

Increased competition, tight budgets, buyer risk aversion, and fluid economic conditions have made selling more difficult today than ever.

In these conditions, buyers are drawn to commercial professionals that help them understand risks to and opportunities for their business. Commercial leaders must not only equip their sales professionals to understand their own products, they must also enable them to serve as effective business consultants to their clients and prospects.

Learn more about how we help sales organizations stand out from the numerous other vendors trying to gain their buyers’ attention, close deals, and lead commercial teams to success. Our approach is often rooted in our Challenger Sale expertise, but we are able to support other methodologies depending on organizational need.

Sales Performance Training & Consulting
Strategic Planning & OKR Consulting

Strategic Planning and OKR Consulting

An effective strategic plan is vital to guide organizations to a desired change and performance outcome. Strategic Plans are also an invaluable tool for communicating how teams’ and individuals’ work will help their business grow and thrive. Yet, at many organizations, strategic plans fail to fulfill their usefulness to motivate and organize.

The most effective strategies are concise, easily communicated, and help the entire organization understand what is most vital–and what isn’t–to ensuring the business succeeds.

Learn more about how we felt organizations build strategies that can get an entire company on board with a unified vision of success.

Management Training

Every year, billions of dollars are spent training managers how to effectively lead, motivate, and grow their teams. And yet, every year improving manager effectiveness remains a top priority for organizations across industry, geography, and size. We all agree that managers are among the most important levers for key outcomes such as productivity and retention, but still struggle to help our team leaders thrive.

The reason this challenge continues despite the organizations’ best efforts is because the science and demands of management are changing just as rapidly as our businesses are. Today, being a good manager requires a deep understanding of motivating and guiding people, the ability to manage diverse stakeholders across complex organizations, and top-notch time management to ensure that team needs aren’t overshadowed by urgent but less important tasks that constantly threaten to overwhelm.

Learn more about how we help organizations train managers that understand their people, effectively govern organizational stakeholders, manage time, and stay resilient in the face of stress and change.
